Introduction to Signal : Chapter-1

Topics that are included in first Class test. (CT-01)

Definition:           Signal
                           Signal energy
                           Signal Power
Classification of Signal :
                1. Continuous & Discrete Signal
                2. Analog & Digital Signal
                3. Periodic & aperiodic Signal
                4. Energy Signal & Power Signal
                5. Deterministic Signal & Random Signal
                6. Even Signal & Odd Signal
Operation on Signal:
1.       Operation performed on dependent variables
2.       Operations performed on the independent variables.
Elementary Signal :
1.       Exponential Signal
2.       Sinusoidal Signal
3.       Exponentially damped Signal
4.       Step Signal/Unity Step Signal
5.       Impulse Signal
Signal Generation:
Properties of System:
Example : 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.10, 1.11, 1.13, 1.15
Book Reference: Signal Processing by Haykin
Semester : 5th